Are More Homes Selling With Lower Mortgage?

Are More Homes Selling With Lower Mortgage?

Lately, I have gotten a lot of questions on how the market is doing and on whether homes are selling more now than last year.  Well, if you're curious about that, here's a great video I've made for you.  Learn about why the market is starting to change here.


Home Equity Can Be a Game Changer When You Sell


Bloopers Award Of The Year!

​Need a little chuckle?  Watch my collection of bloopers here!

We usually get this done in 1 or 2 takes.  Not this time!  Haha!



Building Our Community For Our Students

​I humbly serve as the North Hills Christian School (NHCS) Board Chair.  

We recently hosted the NHCS College and Career Fair.  

Here's an article in the Times Herald.

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