Yikes! Rates Went Up Again! | Kasama Lee

Yikes! Rates Went Up Again! | Kasama Lee

Well, the feds raised the rates again after a slight pause. Is it the end of the rainbow for real estate activity? Watch this video to learn more of this means to the real estate market.

Our Professional Development Update

This industry is the beast! We had a great day of loading up our brains with strategies, ideas, mindset and so much more in this fast-changing market at the Tom Ferry Roadmap event. My brain wants to keep going and I need a good night's sleep.🤪 ​ We got to stop by and visit our client in the next town over. What a lovely visit that was to see Jane and her family.💕 ​ I’m really glad Bart is my business partner. We’re growing together in our own unique ways. We’re definitely wired differently. And yet we work together really well. I am learning that’s not an easy thing to do for spouses to work together. ​ We are blessed and I am grateful.🙏🏼



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